Is your Facebook marketing strategy helping you grow your page? Or, is it not doing much to help you reach your goals anymore? Many strategies work well with your current needs. As your business grows, you may well find that what worked before does always work forever.

Whether you have always had a very basic strategy that outlines the type of social media content you share to your page, or you are considering investing in a brand new Facebook strategy, changing things up can be a great way to grow your results on this popular social network.

When to Invest in a New Facebook Strategy

Some of the reasons that you may decide to invest in a new and improved Facebook strategy include the following:

  1. You are not seeing much engagement from followers. Engagement is a major goal for many businesses using Facebook. If your posts are not getting many likes, shares or comments, it may be time for a new strategy designed to help you share relevant content that people will enjoy.
  2. You are aiming to grow your follower base.On a similar note, you may be battling to bring in new followers. Whether you have never had a strategy at all, or your previous social media campaign did not focus on growing your followers, a good strategy will provide content that appeals to your target audience.
  3. You are getting too many negative comments. You may find that you are getting reactions… but all the wrong kind. Negative comments are very tricky. Ignore them, and you run the risk of other followers and even the general public seeing what has been written. Delete them, and you lose any chance of transparency. It may come down to the type of content you are sharing, which can easily be changed with a new strategy.
  4. You are not sure what direction to take. If you haphazardly share memes one day, nothing for the next week, then a random personal post once in a while, you will quickly lose followers. A strategy is important to develop a consistent, cohesive Facebook page. Without one, you may found yourself continuing to flounder without a clear purpose.
  5. You have changed or grown since your initial strategy. Your old strategy may have worked fine when you started out. But as you grow, your Facebook goals and reach grow, too. You may have launched a new product line, or opened a new branch. Change is always good for a strategy refresh.

Facebook isn’t big. It’s massive and it changes quite regularly. Always research and study how you can optimise and change your strategy to get the most out of this behemoth of a platform for marketing your brand and business.

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