Tag: lead generation strategy blog posts

Understanding Lead Generation Data
Lead generation data forms the heart of every campaign. If it’s not at the centre of your strategy, you will find it impossible to see any results. With the POPI Act now fully in place as of 1 July 2021, there is a huge focus on how data is collected. This will have a...
Lead Generation Strategies – Getting Back to Basics
As new trends and technologies emerge, it’s easy for lead generation strategies to veer off the proverbial beaten track. There is certainly nothing wrong with implementing new ideas and aiming for the sky. Today’s marketplace is huge and competitive across many...
What Are Micro Conversions and How Are They Used in Lead Generation?
Micro conversions refer to the small moments that get you closer to your lead generation goals. Unlike macro conversions, which would be something like making a sale or booking a consultation, micro conversions focus on things such as blog article shares, newsletter...
5 Tips to Develop an Agile Lead Generation Strategy
One of the most important things for any lead generation strategy is the ability to stay agile, even as your goals shift and realign. The digital landscape is changing all the time, with new technologies and trends arising every year. With these changes come growth...
The Role of Language in Lead Generation
One of the frequently overlooked factors in lead generation is language. By its nature, this type of marketing is designed to capture leads and move them along the funnel to convert. This can sometimes lead to campaigns that are so focused on selling that they forget...
Using Attraction Marketing in Your Lead Generation Strategies
Attraction marketing offers a highly effective way to boost your lead generation efforts. This strategy is not new. Over the years, it has evolved a great deal, with the growth of social marketing paving the way for new and improved attraction marketing approaches....
3 Lead Generation Channels You Are Not Using Yet
With much of the world in lockdown, lead generation is certainly going to see some shifts this year. For businesses, 2020 can be a good time to look at unexplored channels and lead nurturing strategies. Remote business is on the rise, with consumers spending far more...
7 Ways Your Lead Generation Buyer Personas Are Failing
Creating buyer personas for lead generation is extremely useful, helping you personalise your campaigns to see improved results. Buyer personas work hand in hand with personalisation, making it easier to personalise and tailor campaigns to specific audiences rather...
3 Lead Nurturing Strategies to Try in 2020
Over the last decade, lead nurturing has come a long way. Although lead generation has been in effect in numerous forms over the decades, it has truly come into its own in the last few years. In 2020, it has become one of the most effective ways not only to gain new...
How to Use Lead Magnets in Your Lead Generation Strategy
Every good lead generation strategy begins with a way to get leads into your sales funnel. Leads do not magically appear out of nowhere and very few will bother to sign up to your lead forms unless they think they are getting something in return. This is where lead...
The Role of Emotion in Lead Generation
While it may seem that rational thought plays the most important role in lead generation, emotion plays an equally important role. Humans are emotional by nature. Many decisions are made unconsciously rather than consciously and in many cases, the reasons behind...
How Lead Generation Funnels Have Evolved With Lead Generation
Over the years, lead generation funnels have gone from simplistic funnels focusing purely on certain stages to in-depth funnels that take a deeper look at the customer journey. Traditional funnels typically have the largest volume of leads at the top, with these leads...
Effective Strategies for Lead Generation Conversion
Lead generation conversion plays an essential role in driving sales through digital marketing, working well as part of a holistic multi-channel approach. Incorporating a number of strategies, optimising your lead generation campaign for conversions is often seen as...